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Elite Dangerous Multi Cannon Mods

Soon enough you will be ready for the next step up. The Adder is a fine purchase for pilots interested in hauling freight. The Imperial Eagle and Viper Mk 3 pack more firepower. Finally, for those looking for a good multipurpose ship and want to take their first steps as explorers, the Cobra Mk 3 will never do you wrong. So get out there and fly dangerous, Commander.

Elite Dangerous Multi Cannon Mods

Shotgun Interceptor - dudephat. As the Interceptor is my favourite of all the basic ships (I consider any ship with an MK2 variant the basic ship of it's faction), I've been testing out various ways to beef it up a bit. I gave my Interceptor, two Barrel M2 satellites, replaced the neutron blasters with pulse multi-cannons, and gave it a small repair bot to boost its longetivity a bit. The ship does alright against smaller missiles and drones, the wide spread of the cannon helps to take them out. A bit low on armor though, torpedo ships will likely tear it to bits.

Kite - Obliterdeath: A scout MK2 armed with a TU assisted Pulse cannon MK2, and barrel M1 satellites. With max movement and no armour, this nimble little fighter relies on shields, if you take a hit don't worry because this ship has way more shield than HP so just fly around a bit more and the shield will recharge thus eliminating the need of a repair bot. Having 20 velocities and 20 turn radius is also a big plus, you can fly circles around any other ship and kite them Starcraft 2 style. Watch out for missle skirmishers, because the missiles block your shots, and TU assisted lasers, because if they catch you your shield will not last long. If you prefer to fight at closer ranges, switch the Pulse cannon to a Pulse multi cannon.

Slayer Chronos: Snowgods Although this ship is very slow, requiring the warp drive to maneuver, this is a very strong build (tested to Level 1,000). The Omni-directional mount can hit fast moving ships with ease, and the warp drive is used to avoid nasty attacks like Heavy Missiles Mk2. The low damage of the Pulse cannons is offsetted by a high fire rate, and damage boosts, while retaining good endurance. The Heavy Missile Mk2 is used against slow ranged opponents. Strengths: It's excellent against other ships with warp drives, and can take on Oracles with ease (Though it does require tactics!). Weaknesses: It can be out-ranged by double veteran Thunder, and Chrysalis, and gets overly distracted with Thor. It will usually take a hit from Black Hole generator opponents. ECM jammers aren't usually a problem with good tactics. Options: A second Heavy Missile Mk2 can be added for a slight decrease in either RoF(Rate of fire) or damage. The Pulse cannons can be changed to Pulse multi-cannons (but the range and endurance will suffer dramatically). The armor should be switched out to match your opponents (currently set up for use vs Oracles)

Falcon - The BLAT: vindalloo Switch off the NPCs lights and keep blasting enemies with the Heavy Proton Torpedoes. If anything fast gets close, use the Pulse multi-cannon. It's fast firing, has good speed and maneuverability has decent armor and energy. Fly at the enemy and try to get a hit with the EMP torpedo, once his weapons are disabled smash him. Repair in between encounters and repeat. Works well against most Capital Ships.

The Fork - qwerty4429. The Fork builds are mainly aimed to take out Capital Ships, just flying around and then shooting in the rear. A lot of weapons allow them to do this effectively. Laser forks are straightforward, quick and deadly, you can also add some turrets with small laser beams for greater effectiveness (while ship being slower) - Wasps don't have enough slots to make greater use of their L slots, keep in mind. Multi-cannon forks are better at taking out multiple drones, small ships etc., while a little bit worse against Capital Ships. Targeting systems allow them to concentrate every bullet at an enemy, improving their damage.

TBSIHEM Oracle - The best ship I have ever made, this thing shoots almost across the entire map, lightning cannons to kill drones and stations quickly, a teleporter, and a small repair drone. Using a -50% energy cost heavy laser mk2 will greatly increase the effectiveness of this ship, and using a +50% range teleporter will increase it's mobility. in general using mostly greens, purrp!es, and yellows will make the ship more powerful as well. A link to gameplay of this ship and a full screen of the design pulse multi Cannon at the end should be replaced by lightning Cannon mk3s.


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